News List

[IN THE NEWS] Rep. Jason Smith attends the National Prayer Breakfast with West Plains pastor Andy Lambel (Christian Broadcasting Network)

I recently attended the 68th National Prayer Breakfast and invited Andy Lambel, who is the lead pastor of the First United Methodist Church in West Plains, to join me. We met with Christians from throughout the world to join and pray for our nation and its future. After hearing both President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence speak, I sat down for an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network about life in Congress and the common bonds of faith that unite us as Americans. Click here to ...

[IN THE NEWS] Heartland police chief goes to State of the Union Address (CBS 12)

This year, I invited Poplar Bluff Chief of Police Danny Whiteley to attend the State of the Union Address with me. Chief Whiteley has been a leading voice in the fight against drugs in our communities and a champion for building a border wall as a way to keep drugs and criminals out of our country in the first place. I invited him to the President’s speech to highlight his work and the steps still remaining to reduce crime and drug abuse in our communities. While in Washington, he talked with ot...

[IN THE NEWS] Congressman Jason Smith ‘calls on Congress to get back to working for the American people’ (Rolla Daily News)

On Wednesday, the Senate voted to acquit President Donald Trump on both impeachment charges. The Left has been determined to impeach him since Day One with false claims they made up as they went along. After wasting the American people’s time and money on this sham investigation, it is now time for Congress to resume the work we were sent here to do for the American People. Click here to read my full thoughts.

A Resilient Address to the Nation

Next Tuesday night, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Cabinet will gather on the floor of the House of Representatives for the President’s address on the State of the Union. Speaking from a stained wood lectern to a crowd of roughly one thousand – and tens of millions more on TV – President Trump will reaffirm the many accomplishments from his three years in office and outline a vision for the coming year. It will be a historic speech. President Trump will be the first president to address th...

Three Years

On January 20th, 2017, Donald Trump stood on the West Front of the United States Capitol Building, overlooking the National Mall and the monuments erected to honor our nation’s greatest heroes—Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and King— and was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. Sitting on the giant stage with the newly elected President, I was filled with optimism about the fresh perspective he would bring to a broken Washington. Since his inauguration, President Trump has fough...

Jury of Political Opponents

After unconstitutionally delaying the transmission for almost four weeks, Speaker Pelosi finally sent the Articles of Impeachment to the United States Senate this week. The Speaker supposedly delayed sending the Articles because she was worried about “fairness” – a stunning word for someone who blocked Republican requests for witnesses, held weeks of closed-door meetings and depositions, and denied the President of the United States his right to due process or even to present opposing evidence t...

USA Agriculture: A National Priority

Every year, I crisscross Southern Missouri, visiting farms, farmers, and families in each of the 30 counties which make up our congressional district. The places I visit are diverse – some plant row crops, some raise bison, some harvest timber, and some are in agri-tourism, but at each I see the humble, honest Missouri values, the fulfillment that comes from working on one’s own land, and the pride that comes from feeding communities or producing the raw materials that fuel local economies. Unfo...

Religious Liberty

This past week, an Iranian led militia attacked, torched, and attempted to storm our Embassy in Baghdad. It came on the heels of Iran killing an American contractor based in Iraq one month prior. These are just two recent examples of Iran’s continued assault on American democracy, and our support for the rule of law, individual and religious freedoms, and the State of Israel. In response, President Trump stood resolute. He ordered a strike in Iraq against those responsible for the death of the A...

Speaker Pelosi’s Failed Year

At the start of 2019, for the second time in her life, Nancy Pelosi was sworn in as Speaker of the House of Representatives. While I knew this would mean a dramatic shift left for the policies advanced in your Congress, I at least had a brief moment of optimism during her opening remarks when Speaker Pelosi said that she was going to work “in a bipartisan way for the good of our country.” Surely, she understood that with Donald Trump in the White House and Republicans still in control of the U.S...

The Party of Impeachment

For the first time in our nation’s history, the U.S. House of Representatives has impeached a duly elected President of the United States with an entirely partisan vote. The politically motivated impeachment of President Donald Trump had no due process and was rife with bias. Throughout this entire circus the Left has not been motivated by facts or fairness, but by their blind hatred of President Trump, his voters, and everything he has accomplished. They have been determined to impeach him sinc...

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