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It’s been more than two months since the deadline for Congress to pass a budget has passed, and Washington is no closer to slowing its spending. Instead of trying to balance the government’s books, the Democrat leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives decided to skip the budget process altogether and go straight to spending, putting the cart before the horse and liberal priorities ahead of common sense. This was on display this week as the House voted on spending packages that have no cha...

Rep. Smith Hosts Missouri Students on Electric Cooperative Youth Tour

U.S. Representative Jason Smith (MO-08) hosted Missouri students participating in the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) Youth Tour in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. Twenty-eight students from southern Missouri met Congressman Smith on the U.S. Capitol steps to ask him questions about how their government works and to get to know him as their Representative in Congress. “Just by taking the trip to your nation’s Capital, you’re establishing yourselves as future leaders,” said...

Stars and Stripes

The red, white, and blue American flag is a symbol known all over the world for American independence, bravery, and sovereignty. For 242 years, the stars and stripes have represented the United States and our American values all over the world. June 14th is not only President Trump and the Army’s shared birthday, but also National Flag Day – a time to celebrate our beautiful flag and why so many hold it close to their hearts. After declaring independence from Great Britain, one of the first orde...

Smith Solutions to Curb Illegal Immigration Blocked by Democrat Leadership

Congressman Jason Smith (MO-08) blasted Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and House Democrat leadership this week for blocking his amendments to the spending package being debated in the U.S. House of Representatives. As drafted by Democrats, the spending bill in the U.S. House of Representatives prevents further wall construction on the southern border and prohibits government agencies from sharing information about potential illegal immigrants in the country. Congressman Smith authored amendme...

The 20-Day Border

What you believe is happening at the southern border is likely determined by the news channels you watch or the papers you read. In the spirit of the Show-Me State, I wanted to see it for myself without the partisan filters in the news media. I traveled with a bipartisan group of Members of Congress to the southern border this week, and what we saw completely changed what we thought we knew about the immigration crisis. More than 144,000 migrants were taken into custody just last month, the high...

Appreciating our Armed Forces

The men and women of the United States military make up the most elite, advanced fighting force the world has ever seen and have never shied away from perilous odds or dangerous conditions. U.S. troops have placed their lives on the line every day to keep our country safe and liberate entire continents from evil. Freedom doesn’t come free and those troops, their families, and our country has paid a heavy price. This week marks the 75th anniversary of Allied Forces storming the beaches of Normand...

39 Words

One hundred years ago this week, the U.S. House of Representatives wrote a defining moment in our nation’s storied history. After decades of women marching, fighting, and lobbying for their right to vote to be enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, the House passed the 19th Amendment on May 21, 1919. What followed was a nationwide race for the states to ratify the amendment and protect women in the United States from persecution for simply being a part of our representative democracy. On the surfac...

Rep. Smith Announces Jackson High School Student wins Congressional Art Competition

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. – Congressman Jason Smith (MO-08) announced today a Jackson High School student has won “Best of Show” in the annual 8th Congressional District Art Competition. Congressman Smith’s office accepted more than 120 submissions from local high school artists in southeast and south central Missouri, and today Congressman Smith congratulated Liza Schell from Jackson High School as the winner of the “Best of Show” competition. “The Congressional Art Competition is a wonderful opportu...

The Right to Exist

The United States of America has always stood as a safe haven from religious persecution. As Americans, we value the freedom to practice religion without punishment, and we stand in support of religious people around the globe. Perhaps no people throughout history have been persecuted more than the Jewish people, and as attacks on people of Jewish faith rise around the globe, it’s never been more important to support our greatest ally in the Middle East, Israel. This month we celebrated the 71st...

Celebrating Mom

Family is one of the most important institutions in America. It’s where we first learn our values, our relationship with God, and the support system many people have for the rest of their lives. The foundation of many families, especially mine, is the mothers who make it all possible. This week on Mother’s Day, we take the time to celebrate moms all over the country and everything they do around the clock to support their families. My mother is the hardest working person I’ve ever known, and she...

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