News List

Poplar Bluff Over Paris

In recent years, Americans have been taken advantage of on the world stage – with unfair foreign trade practices, weak nuclear agreements, and lopsided international pacts. President Trump promised the American people he would not stand for international deals that rip off the United States, and he followed through on his word when he pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement. Unfortunately, House Democrats this week voted to tie President Trump’s hands to President Obama’s leg...

The Call to Serve

Each year I have the distinct privilege of nominating bright students in southern Missouri to attend our nation’s prestigious service academies. One of the highlights of my year is calling these young men and women in the spring and being the first to tell them they are among the few selected in the highly competitive application process. It’s an incredible accomplishment to be appointed to an academy, but then begins the real challenge of intense physical, mental, and military training at our ...

Congressman Jason Smith Seeking Service Academy Applications

CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. – Congressman Jason Smith (MO-08) is seeking applications for nomination to the United States service academies for the Fall of 2020. Individuals interested in a nomination to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy or the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy should submit applications no later than October 31, 2019. “A highlight of my year is the opportunity to nominate students in southern Missouri to attend the service academies and beco...

Abuse of Authority

Millions of Americans shared their personal information with the government this month, as they filed their taxes with the IRS. By law, this sensitive information is confidential to protect taxpayers from bad actors who could use this personal information to their advantage. It’s a crime to disclose someone’s private tax information without their consent, yet that’s what the new Democrat majority in the U.S. House of Representatives is trying to do with their relentless pursuit for President Tru...

They Had One Job

The U.S. House of Representatives Budget Committee has one job – to produce a budget. It’s the primary responsibility of governing, and a budget is the only document Congress produces that looks at total federal revenues, spending, and deficits and charts a course for the future. Without one, your government is flying blind. Congress is required by law to complete a budget by April 15, but this week that deadline will come and go, with no plan at all from the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Re...

100 Disappointing Days

As we approach the 100-day mark of new Democrat leadership in the United States House of Representatives, I am disappointed by how the People’s House under Speaker Pelosi’s leadership has spent the last three months. In their first 100 days in power, the new majority showed it is less concerned with responsibly conducting the people’s business and more concerned with opposing the President of the United States. They’ve been willing to break every rule on the books to jam through unprecedented fe...

Committee Advances Rep. Smith's Legislation to Help Families Save for Education Expenses

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tuesday the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means passed the Student Empowerment Act, authored by Congressman Jason Smith (MO-08), which will allow families to save for everyday K-12 education expenses with 529 College Savings Plans. Under Rep. Smith’s legislation, families could use 529 savings accounts for K-12 tuition, books and instructional materials, tutoring expenses, fees for exams related to college admissions, and educational therapy for students ...

Collusion Delusion

For more than two years, Americans have been bombarded by the news media airing report after report on ‘collusion’ between President Trump and the Russians who interfered in the 2016 election. If you listened to any of the talking heads or high-profile Democrats running for President, the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into President Trump’s campaign would be the end of his presidency. But as the Department of Justice announced this week the Mueller probe was ending...

Above and Beyond

In the deadliest battles of war, American troops have rushed toward danger and risked their lives to fight for our country and protect their fellow service men and women. This week on March 25th we celebrate National Medal of Honor Day and the brave servicemembers who earned the United States military’s top honor. Medal of Honor recipients have served our country with dignity and valor, and a number of these heroes have called southern Missouri home. Awarded by Congress and presented by the Pres...

In the Dark

This week was “Sunshine Week,” where hundreds of organizations, civic groups, and schools around the country held events to educate the public and advocate for transparency in government. If we truly are to have a government “of, by, and for the people,” we must be open and honest about how the people’s business is being conducted. In the spirit of Sunshine Week, I want to shine a light on the lack of transparency which has taken place over the first few months of 2019 in the U.S. House of Repre...

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