News List

Putting Rural America First

Rural America is roaring back. A recent report from the Department of Agriculture shows that for only the second time in the last century, we are actually increasing the number of farmers under the age of 35. With the President’s leadership, we have been able to deliver tax cuts for American farmers, reduced federal regulations at a rate of 22:1, driven down energy prices and have grown the economy to bring jobs back to rural America. Personally, I experienced this resurgence first hand during m...

Smith Selects First Recipient of Shutdown Salary – Village of Pinhook

SIKESTON, MO – Today, Congressman Jason Smith presented the Mayor of Pinhook with a $1,000 donation to help the community rebuild after their homes were washed away in a 2011 flood. Smith met with Pinhook Mayor, Debra Tarver and Kyle Schott from Catholic Charities, whose organization is helping the community rebuild, to discuss progress on the current housing project. “The Pinhook community has been strong and resilient during this time and it’s incredible to see how many folks have given their ...

Turn Over Enough Stones…

The United States of America was born out of a revolt by the original colonies against their British controllers - controllers who taxed too much, took away too many rights and asked too much. When our new country rose from that great war for independence, we formed a nation which believed in individual rights over the rights of the state and a country who put protecting the constitutional liberties of each and every American above all else. Unfortunately, as it relates to the most recent presid...

U.S. Rep. Smith Passes Legislation to Establish Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park

On Monday, February 5, 2018, Congressman Jason Smith’s legislation to establish the Ste. Genevieve National Historical Park as a unit of the National Park System passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Smith’s bill allows the National Park Service to help preserve the French-colonial settlement. “For years, the folks of Ste. Genevieve have known that the cultural heritage and history of their area is of national significance, with the action this week, the rest of America will soon know the sa...

The Strong State of Our Union

Last Tuesday night‎ I was honored to join many of you in witnessing President Trump’s very first State of the Union address to Congress. Leading up to the speech there were many things I thought the President could say, what he should say, and ultimately what he would say. But as I thought and reflected on the 12 months since President Trump entered the Oval Office, I realized that with the lowest level of unemployment in close to 20 years, an economy on the cusp of growing at rates never seen i...

Wrong Priorities Expose Senate Stall Tactics

On Friday night, January 19th, Senate obstructionism was on full display for all of America to see as a handful of Senators voted to shut down the United States government in order to advocate for unrelated illegal immigration policies. That’s right, they chose to prioritize illegal immigration over paying our troops and making sure our men and women in uniform had the tools they needed to protect our freedoms. They also said no to funding important Children’s Health Insurance Programs that more...

R.D. James Confirmed to Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works

I was proud to formally share my support for R.D. James with President Trump last year and at numerous steps throughout the process. Today, our persistence paid off. I am thrilled to see that the Senate has finally moved forward with confirming his nomination to Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works. R.D. is a lifelong southeast Missourian who raised his family on the Mississippi River. He has years of experience farming, running his own small business and working to ensure folks along...

U.S. Rep. Smith Talks Tax Cuts at Tyson Foods

On Wednesday, Congressman Smith stopped at the Tyson Foods Plant in Dexter, Missouri to see their recent plant expansion first-hand and also to talk about how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is reducing the federal tax burden on American companies like Tyson, leaving employers with more resources to decide best how to invest in their operations. “Before passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, like most American based companies, Tyson was being held back by one of the highest tax rates found anywhere in ...

We March for Life

This week, hundreds of thousands of Americans came to our nation’s Capital to March for Life. Sadly, we have lost more than 60 million lives in the United States since abortion became legal and Roe v. Wade was upheld by the Supreme Court 45 years ago. That is 60 million less lives which could have grown up to find the cure to cancer, discovered new sources of energy, become an astronaut or the next President of the United States. But more than likely, many of those lives would have had a smaller...

The Early Returns

On December 22, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law by President Trump. What has happened in the succeeding three weeks is just the beginning of a long and empowering process to reward the American worker for years of sacrifice, dedication and hardship. In these three weeks, over two million U.S. workers have seen bonuses, pay raises, and benefit increases totaling more than one billion dollars…that’s right more than $1,000,000,000. Whether you are in Missouri and work at an AT&T store...

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