News List

U.S. Rep. Jason Smith Announces 2018 Congressional Art Competition

Today, Congressman Jason Smith announced the 2018 Congressional Art Competition for high school students in public, private and homeschools across southeast and south central Missouri. The theme for the competition is “Our Nation, Our District, Our Community.” “Seeing the spirit of Missouri expressed in student’s artwork and displayed in the US Capitol Building is always thrilling,” said Congressman Smith. “As I travel across the 30 counties that make up Missouri’s 8th Congressional District, I ...

The Needed Cuts

In one of his last acts before leaving the White House, President Obama stunned our friends and allies when he failed to block the United Nations (UN) from voting to condemn one of America’s strongest allies in the world, Israel. President Obama stood idly by, allowing the UN to scold Israel for defending their land in the West Bank and establishing settlements in a place that is rightfully theirs. It was appalling to see such a lack of leadership from America on the world stage when our country...

Just Getting Started

January 20, 2017 marked a new beginning in our country. On that day, President Trump was inaugurated and immediately began working to restore integrity and meaning to our Constitution, to rule of law, and to turning our economy around. With a focus on individual choice, freedoms and the rights upon which this country was founded, over the last 12 months I have worked alongside our President to once again make this country great. ‎As I sat outside the Capitol and watched our new President taking ...

Tax Cuts for Christmas

This week, instead of letting the status quo in the swamp continue – taxing folks until the cows come home – I joined President Trump at the White House to mark passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. It is very simple, this new law will allow you to KEEP MORE of what you earn by SENDING LESS of what you make to Washington. In fact, if you’re a family of four making less than $55,000 a year your new tax rate will be ZERO percent...that’s right, you won’t pay a single penny in federal income tax. M...

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is Headed to President Trump's Desk

I am honored to be part of the team that has put a sweeping tax cuts bill on President Trump’s desk. Whether you are a family of two making $24,000 a year or a family of four making $55,000 a year, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act means you will not have to pay a single penny in income tax. It also repeals one of the most burdensome parts of Obamacare, the Individual Mandate, which forced Missourians to buy something they didn't even want - government run healthcare. In meetings and trips to Missouri w...

Obstruction at Every Turn

Not showing up to meetings about tax cuts, refusing to meet with the President to discuss our nation’s budget, storming out of Committee Hearings, and trying to block President Trump's nominations - at every turn, obstructionists who disagree with our President’s vision for freedom and economic growth are trying to impede progress and take him down. It seems like the only action these time-wasters ever want to take is complete inaction. Over and over again they have shown a complete unwillingnes...

Making History by Recognizing History

In 1995, Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act which called for officially moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support; however, it has been ignored by every President since it was signed into law - each promising to follow through, but failing to do so. That’s 22 years of broken promises to America’s greatest ally, Israel. President Trump made history this week when he announced the United States will formally recognize...

Tax Cuts for the Heartland

This week, President Trump returned to the place where he started his push for historic tax cuts three months ago, right here in Missouri. This time, the President spoke in detail about the proposal which I had recently helped advance through the U.S. House of Representatives known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act - our plan to allow American families, small business owners and farmers to keep more of what they earn and more of what they deserve. In August, the President was in Springfield, the home...

Reining in a Rogue Regime

The era of strategic patience and capitulation symptomatic of the Obama Administration and their approach to North Korea finally ended this week. President Trump has now formally declared and labeled North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism. What does that mean? It’s simple, President Trump is holding North Korea accountable for actions that aim to terrorize and destabilize society - standing up for America and fighting for our interests across the globe. When President Trump announced his de...

A Time to be Thankful

Giving thanks, saying grace, blessing the food. Whatever your household calls it, praying before a meal is something I grew up doing with my family and still do today. In my family, we call it “saying the blessing.” This is a time of fellowship that provides me with reflection, restoration, and gives me hope for the future. In a few days, folks across Missouri and America will join with their families and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving. As I have done every year since childhood, I will spend ...

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