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An Ongoing Celebration

We celebrate our nation's Independence Day with fireworks, parades, picnics and performances of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Americans across our great nation use this day to celebrate how fortunate we all are to live in a free country and they do so in a way which brings together family, friends and communities. The good folks in Oran have been celebrating the Fourth of July for 53 years now with their annual picnic which features an antique tractor display, music, games, and according to former...

Congressman Jason Smith Initiates Congressional Delegation calling on Attorney General Chris Koster to Join Multistate lawsuit against Obama’s transgender bathroom guidance

Congressman Jason Smith Initiates Congressional Delegation calling on Attorney General Chris Koster to Join Multistate lawsuit against Obama’s transgender bathroom guidance Today, Congressman Smith led the Missouri Congressional Delegation in calling on Attorney General Chris Koster to join the 11-state federal lawsuit against the Obama Administration’s transgender bathroom guidance in order to protect students in Missouri. The Obama administration and Departments of Education and Justice recent...

No Time to Sit

‘Words have meaning’ and ‘actions have consequences,’ those are two sayings or quips that many of us have heard before. However, I can tell you when it comes to the U.S. Constitution and the expected conduct of elected Representatives. I believe these two phrases are absolutely essential to characterizing our form of democracy. Unfortunately, I am ashamed of the events in our nation’s capital this week, when liberal Democrats orchestrated a sit-in on the House floor meant as a publicity stunt to...

Smith's Statement on Supreme Court's Decision to Block Obama's Unconstitutional Executive Amnesty

Congressman Jason Smith (MO-8) issued the following statement today after the Supreme Court blocked President Obama’s plan to issue executive amnesty to five million illegal aliens in the United States v. Texas case. “Today’s decision is a victory for the American people and the Constitution. In March 2016 I helped file a court brief in support of the state of Texas in their suit against the president's illegal mass amnesty. The president has continually used regulations and executive orders to...

Congressman Jason Smith Introduces Bills to Rein in Unaccountable Federal Agency Spending

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 22, 2016 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Aaron Willard 202-262-6683 Congressman Jason Smith Introduces Bills to Rein in Unaccountable Federal Agency Spending Smith Bill’s would no longer allow Agencies to Spend the fines, levies, penalties they are assessing taxpayers Today, Congressman Jason Smith introduced two pieces of legislation to rein in government federal agencies ability to spend fines, fees, settlements and penalties they are levying on A...

Why did this happen?

Disbelief, horror, devastation, sorrow. As we saw the images and news unfold from Orlando, Florida this week it was hard not to feel some of these emotions. For me, I wanted answers, but I understand we don’t always have the answers, and the answers given by those in Washington, DC often trying to rally partisans are hard to accept. However, it is hard to find a reasonable answer when someone so consumed by hate believes the murder of defenseless party goers, those out to dinner, or people takin...

Wrappers and Reductions

We all have those moments that stick with us, maybe it was an achievement, a tragedy, overcoming a fear, or coming to a realization. I had one of those moments 36 months ago when a big number was staring me in the face. It was 285, and it was the one looking back at me from the bathroom scale. Month after month of traveling hundreds of miles every day all across Missouri’s 8th Congressional district while running in the Special Election, I was the opposite of a picture of health. The floor of my...

Bully in Chief

Nobody likes a bully. We ask our public schools not to tolerate bullying and we teach our children to stand up for what is right in the face of intimidation. Yet President Obama is acting like a bully when it comes to the recent directive to public schools across this country regarding sexual identity. Much like a bully, President Obama threatened the use of force and intimidation over federal support dollars for public schools if his way, his ideology, is not followed, adhered to, and implement...

Rep. Jason Smith's statement on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes Co. decision

Congressman Jason Smith (MO-8) issued the following statement today after the Supreme Court’s ruling in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes Co.: “The unanimous decision today by the U.S. Supreme Court in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers v. Hawkes Co., is yet another defeat of the Obama Administration’s illegal executive overreach and a big win for Americans. Clean Water Act regulations represent a major threat to rural America and have the potential to be devastating to farmers, ranchers and the...

Remembering the Price of Freedom

Memorial Day is the unofficial start to summer. The temperatures are rising, school is winding down for many and the smell of backyard barbecues as the sun goes down is starting to fill the air. Memorial Day is also one of my favorite times to drive around our district and see so many American flags placed on houses, businesses, and in yards. In a united display of patriotism it is a symbol of how much we love our country. Many of us look at this long weekend as a chance to slow down, get togeth...

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