News List

Congressman Jason Smith testifies on State’s Land Grab in Oregon County

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Today Congressman Jason Smith (MO-08) testified in front of the Missouri House of Representatives Committee on Conservation and Natural Resources about Governor Nixon’s and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) disputed acquisition of land in Oregon County. As a result of few details, no clear plan, and a lack of transparency from the State for the land purchased in Oregon County, Representative Smith was there to express his support for legislation authored by Represent...

Congressman Jason Smith Visits With Ozark County Commissioners

Congressman Jason Smith Visits With Ozark County Commissioners GAINESVILLE, MO – On Thursday, Congressman Jason Smith (MO-08) visited with the Ozark County Commissioners to discuss issues facing the Ozark County region, including flood damage that occurred last month. Large amounts of rainfall throughout Missouri in late-December caused record high-water events throughout the 8th district, including in Ozark County, which caused many county roads to be washed out and closed for extended periods ...

Capitol Report: Standing with Those who March for Life

This week marked the 43rd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade that legalized abortion in our country. Since the court’s ruling, nearly 58 million innocent lives have tragically been taken. To put that into perspective, there are roughly 58 million people living in the states of New York and California—combined. To share these startling numbers and advance pro-life policies, thousands of grassroots advocates from across the country, including Missouri’s 8thDistrict, are in Wa...

Capitol Report: State of Denial

This week I sat in the U.S. House Chamber and listened to the last State of the Union from President Barack Obama. What Americans needed to hear was a plan to turn our economy around, tackle an ever mounting federal debt, details of how to increase families take home pay, and a clear strategy on how we will finally defeat the threats posed by ISIS, the Taliban and other organizations of terror in order to keep Americans safe. Unfortunately, we heard none of that. Walking out of the House Chamber...

U.S. Rep Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement after State of the Union:

U.S. Rep Jason Smith (MO-08) released the following statement after tonight’s State of the Union: “The president continues to lead from behind on our nation’s national security. Tonight was his opportunity to show he understands the challenges and threats facing our country. It was his chance, his moment, to use his most public forum to reassure Americans that our government will meet a hostile and changing world with the same security and leadership we have known for generations. It was the pr...

Capitol Report: SCRUBing Away the D.C. Regulatory Machine

Congressman Jason Smith Capitol Report: SCRUBing Away the D.C. Regulatory Machine 175,268. That is the number of pages in the Code of Federal Regulations. Across south central and southeast Missouri that number weighs heavy on the backs of small businesses, farmers and families. It also represents a serious problem in Washington: a president circumventing Congress to try and force his rejected policy ideas on the American people. In 2009, the president failed to get his signature “Cap & Trade” l...

U.S. House passes Jason Smith Bill to SCRUB outdated Regulations

Today, legislation authored by Congressman Jason Smith (MO-08) passed the U.S. House on a bipartisan vote of 245-174. The Smith bill, known as H.R. 1155, the Searching for and Cutting Regulations that are Unnecessarily Burdensome (SCRUB) Act would eliminate and remove outdated federal regulations now estimated to impose nearly a $1.86 trillion burden on Americans. Upon passage, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan commented, “A thorough review of federal regulations holding back opportunity in this cou...

Congressman Jason Smith Releases Statement on Sending Obamacare Repeal to President's Desk

“For the first time since Obamacare was signed into law without a single Republican vote, Congress has now sent a repeal bill to the President’s desk. Today I voted to dismantle Obamacare, fully defund Planned Parenthood, and reduce the deficit by $516 billion. If the President honors the will of the American people and signs this bill, Americans would finally have relief from the major tax increases included in Obamacare including the individual mandate, employer mandate, Cadillac tax, medical ...

Congressman Jason Smith's Statement on New Presidential Executive Actions

“Today we witnessed once again this Administration’s obsession with going around Congress and the will of the American people to try and advance restrictions on the Second Amendment rights of every American. In calling out Missouri this president is using his soapbox to try and politicize events and claw back rights promised to every American by the U.S. Constitution. In 2015, the facts are that places like Washington, DC had nearly 4 times more gun related deaths than the 8th district of Missou...

Capitol Report: A Week to Remember

Congressman Jason Smith Capitol Report: A Week to Remember With record rainfall and historic water levels on the Mississippi and surrounding rivers, we closed 2015 with the very real and scary reminder of the power of mother nature. When Christmas approached, constant rainfall and a quickly rising Mississippi River replaced holiday cheer and laughter amongst friends and family with concerns for safety and well-being of those same individuals we love. A relentless rain left many worried about the...

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