News List

House Passes Congressman Smith’s Protection for Wood Stove Users

Today, the House of Representatives passed Congressman Jason Smith’s amendment to eliminate new Obama EPA regulations on wood stoves by a bipartisan vote of 247-177. The amendment was added to H.R. 8, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act, which increased innovation, security and reliability of American-made energy. “People I talk with are sick of this administration’s War on Rural America. Rules like these disproportionately hurt rural areas, which use much more wood heat th...

Congressman Jason Smith Statement on the Every Student Succeeds Act

Today, Congressman Jason Smith (R-Salem, MO) issued the following statement after voting against the Every Student Succeeds Act: “This bill does not go far enough to get the federal government out of our local school districts. Local school communities and parents have always been the best decision makers for their children’s education. We can do much better to get the federal government out of our school system than a 1,061-page bill which authorizes six brand new federal education programs.” #...


“The year that is drawing toward its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies.” - Abraham Lincoln, 1863 Thanksgiving proclamation Despite the fruitful fields, America was divided. We were in the middle of the Civil War and President Lincoln’s words were needed to unite us in country and spirit. That Thanksgiving, President Lincoln prayed for “the Almighty hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it, as soon as may be consistent with the divine p...

Congressman Jason Smith Announces Canned Food Drive

Congressman Jason Smith Announces Canned Food Drive Donations welcomed at Farmington District Office from Nov. 30 – Dec. 7 Today, Congressman Jason Smith announced that his Farmington Office is joining the Farmington Regional Chamber of Commerce Christmas Tree Contest. His tree in Farmington will be made of canned goods donated by the community. “The folks in our district have the biggest hearts in the country,” said Congressman Smith. “This Christmas season it’s nice to take a step back from th...

Capitol Report: Keeping America and Missouri Safe

The terror attacks last week in Paris served as a wakeup call to all of us. Of extreme alarm is that one of the terrorists was found to be carrying a Syrian refugee passport. This discovery clearly points to the fact that we need to get a better grasp on the origin, background, intentions, and makeup of the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the Middle East, specifically places like Syria. The Obama administration has announced it will increase the number of worldwide refugees accepted in...

Legislators call on Nixon to block Syrian refugees in Missouri

Missouri's Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon says screening refugees is the federal government's job and is calling for safeguards following deadly terror attacks in Paris. Nixon in a Monday statement didn't say he'd block Syrian refugees from settling in Missouri. Republican gubernatorial candidates suburban St. Louis businessman John Brunner, former Navy SEAL officer Eric Greitens, former state House speaker and U.S. attorney Catherine Hanaway and Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder want Nixon to do so. They cited ...

Congressman Smith, Colleagues Urge Gov. Nixon to Keep Syrian Refugees Out of Missouri

Today, Congressman Jason Smith, along with five other members of the Missouri Congressional delegation, sent a letter to Governor Nixon urging him to halt plans to bring Syrian refugees to Missouri. “It’s clear with the recent tragic events that refugee screening has been insufficient,” said Congressman Smith. “We need to take a step back and do what is necessary to keep America and Missouri safe.” The letter highlights the report that “at least one of the terrorists had a Syrian passport and e...

Capitol Report: Home Is What Makes Us

If Washington was more like Missouri, America would be a lot better off. This is something I have always thought, but over my first couple years in Congress it has become more and more true. Here in Missouri, things like family, liberty, personal and fiscal responsibility, and good ol’ common sense are held true, yet they are simply missing from our nation’s capital. I was lucky enough to grow up right here in southern Missouri. As a Salem native, early on I learned values such as hard work and ...

Congressman Smith Speaks to Area Schools

Congressman Jason Smith spoke with 7-12th grade students at Summersville High School November 9 and talked about everything from policy to political ideology. Jason Smith said, “Great to see the kids at Mountain Grove Middle School! These kids are leaders already. I can’t wait to see what they accomplish.”

Congressman Smith talks with students at West St. Francois County High School

Today Congressman Jason Smith brought Congress to the classroom, speaking with freshman American Government students at West County High School. Congressman Smith took questions from students on a variety of topics and shared his personal story in the hopes of inspiring the next generation of leaders. Pictured: Congressman Smith takes questions from students "Students don’t always understand how much legislation affects them," said Smith. "Issues like social security or student loans will have ...

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