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Congressman Smith Urges DNR to Rethink Oregon County Land Grab

Today, Congressman Jason Smith sent a letter to the Director of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) expressing concerns over the Southeast Missouri Ozarks Regional Restoration Plan’s (SMORRP) attempt to acquire lands in Oregon County and lack of transparency. The proposal calls for the DNR to acquire 2,463 acres of land in Oregon County, funded with money from a lawsuit filed by the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District against lead smelter ASARCO. The damaged lands in the laws...

Capitol Report: A New Generation of Leaders

We have an opportunity right now to really shake up Washington. At dinner tables around the country, folks are wondering if things are going to get better and if their children will ever be able to achieve The American Dream. Making ends meet has gotten harder and confidence in government has plummeted. Over the coming weeks, the United States House of Representatives has the opportunity to elect a new leader that will help give Americans the efficient, effective, and accountable government they...

Congressman Smith Demands Better Communication from DNR on Proposed Land Purchase in Oregon County

Last week, Congressman Jason Smith sent a letter to the Director of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) asking for better communication about the department’s planned purchase of 2,463 acres in Oregon County. In the letter, Congressman Smith urged DNR to extend the comment period for this project and to host a public meeting so that community members may voice their opinions. “I am deeply concerned about the implications this purchase would have on our area,” said Congressman Smi...

Capitol Report: Power of the Purse

The United States House of Representatives is charged by the Constitution with funding our government. Time after time we are faced with maintaining the status quo or using the power of the purse to reflect America’s priorities. Funding government programs should be done in a specific, targeted way that respects the will of the American people. This week the House of Representatives missed an important opportunity to keep tax dollars from supporting organizations that perform abortions and sell ...

Capitol Report: The Voice of Faith

History was made this week when Pope Francis addressed a joint session of Congress and was the first Pontiff ever to do so. Some of the most poignant remarks from Pope Francis focused on the importance of religious liberty. His observations come during a time when the religious rights of millions across the world and here in America are being trampled. For centuries the United States of America has led the way on tolerance and religious freedom. More than 350 years ago, the first religious liber...

Smith makes stop at Cape Girardeau's Birthright organization

Barb McKeon, an assistant director at Birthright of Cape Girardeau, shows donated afghans to Congressman Jason Smith during his tour of Birthright on Tuesday. U.S. Rep. Jason Smith on Tuesday took a tour of Birthright of Cape Girardeau, which offers alternatives to abortion, and asked questions about the not-for-profit's services and funding. Smith, R-Salem, co-sponsored two bills that would block taxpayer dollars from supporting Planned Parenthood or other organizations that perform abortions ...

Capitol Report: Defunding Unconscionable Actions

In a series of disturbing undercover videos filmed and recently released by The Center for Medical Progress, we learned that Planned Parenthood employees may have adjusted abortion procedures without notifying patients in order to harvest baby parts to sell to the highest bidder. Planned Parenthood performs more than 325,000 abortions a year – that’s equivalent to the entire population of St. Louis. It’s horrifying. The videos show employees with a grave disregard for human life, and Americans d...

Capitol Report: Iran’s Global Threat

This week, I voted to stop the dangerous deal the Obama Administration negotiated to lift sanctions on Iran. I voted to protect Americans from the global threat posed by a nuclear Iran, because this is not a Republican issue or Democrat issue; this is an American security issue. Iran is not a friend of the United States, and we should not enter into agreements with our enemies. The Iranian government is holding four Americans hostage, and those American citizens will not be returned with this de...

Capitol Report: Keeping Entrepreneurs and Employees In Control

America needs a healthy economy that puts folks in control and on the path to financial independence, but last week five unelected bureaucrats at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) made a decision to set our economy back and hurt job growth. The NLRB, a federal agency that oversees the organization of labor unions, opted to change the way employees at franchises like McDonald’s, Colton’s Steakhouse, or Anytime Fitness are characterized. This decision will have a devastating effect on smal...

Congressman Stops at Leerjak Ranch in Patterson

A Stop in Wayne County Congressman Jason Smith, at right, visited Wayne County last Saturday as part of his 3rd Annual Farm Tour. Smith was joined by State Rep. Paul Fitzwater, at left, on a visit to Leerjak Ranch in Patterson. Pictured with Smith and Fitzwater in front of the Leerjak General Store are (l-r) Sierra, Erica, Ronnie, and Annalea Ross. Congressman Jason Smith visited Wayne County during his 3rd Annual Farm Tour. He visited Leerjak Ranch in Wayne County on Saturday, Aug. 29. Smith’s...

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