Today Congressman Jason Smith brought Congress to the classroom, speaking with freshman American Government students at West County High School. Congressman Smith took questions from students on a variety of topics and shared his personal story in the hopes of inspiring the next generation of leaders. Pictured: Congressman Smith takes questions from students "Students don’t always understand how much legislation affects them," said Smith. "Issues like social security or student loans will have ... READ MORE
U.S. Rep. Jason Smith takes questions from sixth-grade students during a visit to Scott City Middle School on Friday. U.S. Rep. Jason Smith, R-Salem, visited with sixth-graders Friday at Scott City Middle School, where he stressed the importance of staying up-to-date on decisions made by legislators and answered questions from students. At the beginning of his visit, Smith asked the students whether they followed decisions he made during the previous week, and many responded, "No." He then aske... READ MORE
Since 1775, our brave military men and women have fought for freedom and democracy. On this Veterans Day we remember our service members that have bravely faced the challenges of a dangerous world from the Revolutionary War to today’s War on Terror. Like so many, military service has been a part of my family. My uncle courageously fought in Vietnam earning a purple heart. Because of the selfless service of many like him, my commitment is to ensure that our veterans are treated with respect and r... READ MORE
Since you sent me to Washington, I have looked carefully at each piece of legislation that was brought for a vote. Each time, I look at how it would impact the hardworking folks of southeast and southern Missouri. Next, I look to see if the legislation was crafted fairly, and if it upholds the traditions and values of our area. Given the rushed non-transparent process around this week's budget bill, I wasn't surprised when I opened page one and found a bad deal for hardworking taxpayers and farm... READ MORE
Today, Congressman Jason Smith released the following statement: “Today I cast my vote in support of Paul Ryan as the new Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Paul is someone with deep Midwestern roots and values, and his election as Speaker represents a new direction for House Republicans; a new direction for America. “Paul Ryan is my Chairman on the House Ways & Means Committee and I am glad that he will now Chair the people’s House. He is a true policy leader and I have never worked... READ MORE
On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced it would drop the proposed “hardwood checkoff” after opposition from Congressman Jason Smith and other members of the Missouri congressional delegation. The program would have hurt small forestry businesses in our area by forcing them to pay mandatory assessments for the USDA to conduct research and execute a public relations campaign. The plan was opposed by forestry groups in the state and around the country, including the Missou... READ MORE
Something historic happened Thursday afternoon. While many eyes were focused on Hillary Clinton's testimony at the Benghazi Hearing on Capitol Hill, President Obama brazenly vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a bill that funds America's national security and has been signed into law for each of the last 50 years. The bill passed the House and Senate with bipartisan support, and gave the president every penny he asked for to keep America safe. But, the president is playing poli... READ MORE
Last week, Congressman Jason Smith sent a letter to the Director of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) expressing concerns over the Southeast Missouri Ozarks Regional Restoration Plan’s attempt to acquire lands in Oregon County and lack of transparency. The proposal calls for the DNR to acquire 2,463 acres of land in Oregon County, funded with money from a lawsuit filed by the Southeast Missouri Lead Mining District against lead smelter ASARCO. The damaged lands in the lawsuit d... READ MORE
Today, Congressman Jason Smith called Governor Nixon’s proposal to transfer private land to state control in Oregon County “a clear misuse of funds.” Governor Nixon’s Missouri Department of Natural Resources plans to buy the land in Oregon County with money set aside in a lawsuit settlement to restore land damaged by lead mining. The problem is that the counties damaged in the lawsuit are nowhere near Oregon County. “As much as the governor’s administration may want to stake their legacy on thi... READ MORE
Calling it a “clear misuse of funds,” U.S. Rep. Jason Smith has taken Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon to task over a state proposal to transfer private land to state control in Oregon County. Smith’s office issued a news release Monday evening that addresses the plan that would allow the state Department of Natural Resources to buy land in Oregon County. The land would be bought with money set aside in a lawsuit settlement, the release said, that is intended to be used for restoration to land damaged b... READ MORE