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Capitol Report: American Greatness: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

This Fourth of July will mark 239 years since 56 brave patriots from the original 13 colonies declared America’s independence from Great Britain. In the Declaration of Independence, American colonists recognized that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The list of grievances with Britain was long and included standing armies kept among the colonies during peace time, ...

Congressman Smith Statement on the Supreme Court’s Ruling in the Case Obergefell v. Hodges

Congressman Jason Smith released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision on Obergefell v. Hodges: “As the son of a preacher, I have never wavered in my commitment to the biblical definition of marriage, and in our state, more than a million Missourians voted to define marriage as between one man and one woman. Until today, it was the right of each state to determine how they wished to define marriage. The Supreme Court wrote yesterday that it is not in the Court’s sc...

Congressman Smith Statement on the Supreme Court’s Ruling in the Case King v. Burwell

Today, the Supreme Court ruled in the case King v. Burwell that individuals purchasing health care coverage on the federal exchange are eligible for federal tax subsidies. The text of the Affordable Care Act specifically included subsidies for health care purchased on state exchanges. It did not list such a subsidy for health care purchased on the federal exchange, Today’s decision is a textbook example of court overreach, legislating from the bench, and side-stepping Congress. ...

Capitol Report: Preserving Medicare for America’s Seniors

Next week, my conservative colleagues and I will vote to repeal the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) in Obamacare, often called the “Death Panel,” and to preserve Medicare for America’s seniors. This panel, hand-selected by the president, is tasked with recommending cuts to Medicare without congressional input. If health care spending gets too high, IPAB is charged with deciding which care to prioritize and which care to cut. Obamacare gave IPAB unprecedented power with no accountabilit...

Capitol Report: Can’t Lead From Behind

On Monday, President Obama didn’t have a strategy to train Iraqi forces in the fight against ISIS. In fact, at a press conference in Germany he made it clear that the he had “no complete plan.” That’s almost exactly the same thing he said ten months ago, when he admitted “we don’t have a strategy yet.” Just two days after this week’s admission, the president suddenly authorized up to 450 more troops to be sent to Iraq to advise Iraqi forces. Americans deserve better than knee-jerk foreign policy...

Capitol Report: Have We Lernered Our Lesson

In 2014, members of the House Ways and Means Committee sent a letter to the Department of Justice calling for the criminal prosecution of former Internal Revenue Service Director of the Exempt Organizations Division Lois Lerner. Instead, the IRS worker who used her position to abuse conservative organizations was awarded bonuses of $129,000 and given a pension, all while in contempt of Congress. Taxpayers, of course, footed the bill. Enough is enough and I am demanding answers. Last week, I wrot...

Capitol Report: Defending the Rule of Law

This week we scored a major victory for the rule of law when a federal judge upheld a lower court’s order to stop implementation of President Obama’s executive amnesty. This is the latest development in a court case filed by 26 states to halt President Obama’s actions which would prevent illegal immigrants from being deported. The Obama administration has shown a clear disregard for the rule of law, the separation of powers laid out in the Constitution, and the rights guaranteed to American citi...

Congressman Smith Leads Charge to Defend Property Owners from Overreaching Waters of the United States Rule

Today, Congressman Jason Smith voiced his continued opposition to the Obama administration’s Waters of the U.S. rule (WOTUS), which was finalized today. This rule could potentially allow the EPA to redefine “navigable waterway” and regulate nearly every area of the ground that gets wet or has flow during rainfall. This could include ponds, puddles, temporary or small wetlands, irrigation ditches or similar collections of water, and it would be especially detrimental to rural Americans. “The adm...

Capitol Report: The Inalienable Right to Life

Almost 250 years ago our Founding Fathers eloquently wrote that the inalienable right to life isn’t granted by Congress or any legislature, but is endowed by our Creator. Sadly, even as our scientific knowledge and medical expertise advance, this inalienable right is still being debated in Washington, D.C. We know that caring doctors and nurses today can save babies born prematurely at 20 weeks and help them go on to lead normal lives. But, sadly, the opportunity to grow and thrive is not protec...

Congressman Smith Attends Dora High School Commencement, Presents West Point Recognition

On Sunday, Congressman Jason Smith recognized a member of the Dora High School Class of 2015 at commencement and gave brief remarks to the graduating class. Dora senior Taylor Brooks was recognized for his appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point which he will be attending in the fall. Congressman Smith presents recognition to Taylor Brooks and addresses Dora High School students “It is an honor to have someone appointed to one of the United States Military Academies from...

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