Ruling Class vs. Working Class

April 9, 2021

Last year, in the face of a pandemic that left many people around the country concerned about their health for going out, states around the country adopted what were supposed to be temporary rules for voting. But in some instances, states used the pandemic as a reason to radically change voting rules to remove key voter safeguards – like requiring voter identification to be given a ballot – leading to the serious 2020 election integrity concerns that resulted. 

Georgia, plagued with controversy for its handling of the 2020 election, is now one of the first states to propose more permanent election rules. Integrity of our elections is something all Americans should care about and shouldn’t be partisan. Instead, Washington Democrats and their Mainstream Media allies immediately began spreading disinformation about the Peach State’s new election laws across the country based on a falsehood that these temporary measures lacking safeguards and put in place for public health purposes were intended to be permanent.

The liberal fundraising emails were sent immediately. President Joe Biden referred to it as “Jim Crow on steroids.” Former Georgia Democratic Governor nominee Stacey Abrams referred to the law as “racist” and “Jim Crow in a suit and tie.” These lies were then used by liberal activists to pressure corporations operating in Georgia to speak out against the new law.

And with woke corporate elites leading their boardrooms, corporations began promoting these lies wholesale. MLB moved their annual “All-Star” game along with the $100 million in tourism revenue that comes with it to Denver, Colorado in protest. Companies like Coca-Cola, Delta, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Cisco and others started putting out statements in opposition without even having read or analyzed the law.

Why would they lie in such a coordinated way? The reason is simple – as these multinational corporations get bigger, they are joining forces with the political left to bring as much Washington bureaucrat control over our lives as they can. Democrats want to nationalize our elections and have Washington bureaucrats control Missouri’s voting. Corporations want federal regulations that make it harder for their competition to survive. Do you think companies like Amazon are asking for higher taxes and a $15 Washington mandate out of the goodness of their hearts?

These corporate elites and their government allies hate the working-class and its values, and will do anything they can to make sure they are the ones writing the rules. They want to team up to crush Main Street businesses and conservatives who stand in their way. They don’t talk about the impact that would be felt by millions of small- and medium-sized businesses, who employ the majority of Americans and can’t simply ‘absorb’ new costs like higher taxes. They don’t talk about the millions of Americans who are afraid of cancel culture; that they could be fired just for being Republican.

I will never stop fighting to ensure Missourians have the freedom to express themselves and to protect our constitutional rights. Our government’s policies should focus on strengthening the working class and Main Street businesses, not the corporate ruling elites.