Rules For Thee, Not For Me

April 23, 2021

Since Joe Biden was sworn in, Washington Democrats have shown they’re willing to change any rule, violate any precedent, or do whatever it takes in order to get their way. Their agenda rewards their friends, donors, and special interest allies, and punishes those who supported Donald Trump. As long as it increases their power and control over working class Americans, they will do it.

Democrats have the majority in both the House and Senate, but it’s razor thin. Knowing some Democrats don’t support their radical agenda, one of their priorities is to find ways to expand their majority and block Republicans from being elected. So, in order to pad their majorities Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats passed a bill this week to give Democrats an extra seat in the House and two Senators by making Washington, DC a state. I vehemently opposed this bill and voted against it.

Washington, DC’s special status as our nation’s capital is spelled out in the Constitution, so in addition to being a blatant power grab, this bill is also unconstitutional.

And that’s not all they are attempting to do. Earlier, this year, Speaker Pelosi passed H.R. 1, which gives Washington Democrats control over how our elections are conducted by eliminating nearly every institutional guardrail that preserves the sanctity of the ballot box. This bill would prevent states that want to verify individuals’ identity from requiring photo identification, instead relying on nothing more than an individual’s word that they are who they claim to be. It also would legalize a practice known as ballot harvesting, where political staffers and consultants could pick up and deliver as many absentee ballots as they wanted. This is an open invitation for rampant fraud.

Over the past four years, we’ve also watched the lengths Washington Democrats will go to prevent conservative justices from being added to our nation’s courts. Justice Amy Coney Barrett – an exceptionally well-qualified jurist – did not receive a single Democrat vote in her favor. We all remember how they were willing to smear Justice Kavanaugh in an effort to keep him from being confirmed. Fortunately, Senate Republicans held strong and were able to confirm both justices.

Rather than waiting for new Supreme Court vacancies to come available and follow our nation’s precedents, Washington Democrats are instead seeking to change the rules and expand the court to 13 justices – which would allow Joe Biden to appoint 4 new justices to the court. This would give the court 7 justices appointed by Democrats and 6 appointed by Republicans. This is more dangerous to the rule of law than anything either party has done or proposed in modern times. But their complete disregard for the rules and laws doesn’t end there.  

When Democrats refused to negotiate with Republicans on COVID relief, they passed the Biden Bailout Bill, a shockingly partisan measure that is one of the largest spending bills in our nation’s history. The bill rewarded their progressive friends and special interest allies using American tax dollars to foot the bill. Blue states like California and New York received generous handouts while the states that overwhelmingly supported Trump got significantly less.

Southern Missouri elected me to fight for the working class, for our farmers, and for small businesses. I know my mission, and it’s to fight for an agenda that is for people, not politics. Joe Biden said at his inaugural address that he would unify our nation. The only people he has actually tried to unify are Washington Democrats and their special interest supporters. To them, America’s laws, rules and traditions are just an inconvenience – and they are willing to destroy anything that gets in their way.