Smith Slams Democrat Tax & Spending Bill After Official Scorekeeper Confirms Bill Not Paid For, Adds $800 Billion to Debt in 5 Years

November 18, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Budget Committee Republican Leader Jason Smith issued the following statement after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a full score of the House Democrats’ multi-trillion dollar tax and spending bill:
“This analysis from the Congressional Budget Office is a clear indictment of the Democrats’ tax and spending agenda and the false promises that have gone along with it. CBO has confirmed that this bill is not fully paid for, despite promises from President Biden and Congressional Democrats that it would be. As a matter of fact, CBO shows the bill will add $800 billion to the debt in just the next five years. And despite all the talk from Democrats about making the wealthy pay their fair share, CBO’s analysis shows that one of the single largest investments made in their bill is one which provides a massive tax break for the wealthiest one percent in America. Democrats are rewarding their wealthy friends while sending the bill to the working families who are already paying more to put food on their table, gas in their cars, and clothes on their backs.”
