Smith Letter Requests Federal Assistance to Missourians Impacted by Devastating Tornados

December 29, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C.  – On Wednesday, December 29th, Rep. Jason Smith and the Missouri delegation sent a letter to President Biden and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in support for Governor Parson’s request to provide federal assistance to local Missouri communities that were heavily impacted by the severe storms and deadly tornadoes that swept across the state on the evening of December 10, resulting in extensive destruction and tragic loss of life.

A total of seven counties were included in the request for Public Assistance; if approved, Bollinger, Dunklin, Iron, Madison, Pemiscot, Reynolds, and Wayne counties may seek federal assistance for reimbursement of emergency response and recovery costs, including repair and replacement costs for damaged buildings, bridges, roads, and other public infrastructure.

“Since the deadly tornadoes swept through our state nearly three weeks ago, many local Missourians are still feeling the impact that destroyed people’s homes, left dozens injured and even led to loss of life,” said Congressman Jason Smith. “Our delegation is working in close coordination with Governor Parsons to ensure those affected will get every available resource to help rebuild their lives. I hope this request will be approved swiftly to get folks’ lives back on track as quickly as possible.”

The joint preliminary damage assessments, conducted by the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), FEMA, and local officials estimated a total of more than $27 million in damage to public infrastructure and emergency response costs eligible for federal assistance.

On Friday, December 17th, Rep. Jason Smith led the Missouri Congressional Delegation in providing support for Governor Parson’s request to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to conduct Preliminary Damage Assessments (PDAs) for residents impacted by the recent devastating tornados in Dunklin, Pemiscot, and Reynolds counties.

Read the full letter below:

December 29, 2021

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania AvenueWashington, DC 20500


Through:       Ms. Kathy Fields, Acting Regional Administrator
                         FEMA Region VII
                         11224 Holmes Road
                         Kansas City, MO 64131



Dear Mr. President,

We write today in support of Governor Mike Parson’s request for a federal emergency disaster declaration authorized by the Stafford Act for the Missouri counties of Bollinger, Dunklin, Iron, Madison, Pemiscot, Reynolds, and Wayne as a result of severe weather on December 10, 2021.

Local, state, and federal assessment teams have estimated a total of more than $27 million in damage and emergency response costs eligible for federal assistance including damage to electric power systems and other public infrastructure. Federal disaster assistance is needed to complete the necessary repair work and relieve the costly burden of the damage to these communities across eastern Missouri.

We respectfully request your prompt attention to this request so that communities may receive the immediate support needed to respond to the disaster. Along with our fellow Missourians we appreciate your attention to this request and stand ready to assist in any way possible.
