Smith Bill Supports Pregnant Mothers, Promotes Choosing Life Through Tax Code
January 28, 2022WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Jason Smith and U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R-MT), along with Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-CO), introduced the Child Tax Credit for Pregnant Moms Act that would make pregnant mothers eligible for the Child Tax Credit (CTC), allowing them to save up to an additional $2,000 for an unborn child.
“From the moment a baby is conceived, a family’s priorities begin adjusting to prepare for their arrival. It’s time for our tax code to help babies who are still in the womb by making sure their parents have the resources necessary for their arrival. That’s why I’m proud to introduce the Child Tax Credit for Pregnant Moms Act, which will allow working families to claim up to an additional $2,000 with the Child Tax Credit before the child is born, giving them a chance to get a head start to prepare, save, and invest in their future.” – said Rep. Jason Smith
“Expecting parents begin providing and preparing for their child the minute they learn they’re having a baby—the Child Tax Credit should reflect the fact that unborn children are children too,” Sen. Daines said. “From prenatal care to stocking up on baby supplies, this tax relief will help parents prepare for the arrival of their baby.”
“Having a child is a financial commitment which is why I am pleased to introduce the Child Tax Credit for Pregnant Moms Act with Senator Daines and Congressman Smith. This legislation will encourage childbirth by allowing pregnant mothers to collect the child tax credit and get the necessary resources they need for their unborn children. Despite attempts by the left to dehumanize the unborn, we must continue working to recognize the inherent value and dignity of our unborn babies.”- said Rep. Doug Lamborn
From stocking up on diapers, to setting up a new crib the work, care, and costs associated with motherhood begin long before a child is born. Recognizing unborn children for the CTC would give expecting parents and their families an opportunity for a better start.
In order to ensure equal access, parents of miscarried and stillborn children also have the opportunity to qualify for the tax credit. Parents who lose a child to miscarriage or stillbirth often have significant financial burdens such as medical bills and funeral expenses. Allowing grieving parents to receive the CTC is a small but meaningful step to help provide them with support.
Read the full text HERE.
Organizations that support this legislation include: Susan B. Anthony List, Family Research Council, March for Life, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Student for Life, Feminists for Life, Americans United for Life, National Right to Life, American Principles Project, Catholic Vote