VIDEO: Smith: From Gas to Groceries, Families are Feeling the Pain of Biden’s War on American Energy

June 24, 2022

This week, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) spoke on the House floor to slam President Biden and Washington Democrats’ radical climate agenda, which is hitting families with higher costs every time they flip a light switch, buy groceries, or drive to work.

Diesel – the fuel that drives the economy – is up 80% over the past year. As a result, businesses of all types are being forced to increase the cost of goods to compensate for higher fuel costs.

As Smith noted, President Biden declared war on American energy when he canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline on his first day in office. The pipeline would have supported thousands of jobs and transported 830,000 thousand barrels per day of oil from Canada to the U.S.

In addition, President Biden’s job-killing regulations are stifling the creation of new large-scale refineries and destroying any incentive for U.S. energy to improve or expand current infrastructure.


CLICK HERE to Watch Smith’s Remarks
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Following Are Smith’s Remarks:

“Thank you, Madam Speaker. Families everywhere are feeling the pain of Washington Democrats’ radical climate agenda. President Biden launched the war on American energy when he canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline on his first day in office.

“He’s also banned new lease sales for oil and gas, and his regulatory onslaught is limiting U.S. energy production. As a result, Americans are paying the price for the Far Left’s costly energy agenda every time they flip a light switch, buy groceries, or drive to work.

“But what’s the goal of Washington Democrats’ climate agenda? Drive up the cost of traditional energy sources to force our nation’s transition to alternatives that are less reliable, widely unavailable, and even more expensive. America cannot afford the Left’s war on affordable energy.

“What America needs right now is the all-of-the-above energy agenda put in place by President Trump and Republicans in Congress.”