Smith: Under Speaker McCarthy, House Republicans are United, Ready to Fight to Get America Back on Track
January 7, 2023WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) released the following statement after U.S Representative Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) was elected as Speaker of the House:
“Under the leadership of Speaker McCarthy, House Republicans are united and ready to fight to deliver a stronger economy, a more accountable government, a safer nation, and a future built on freedom. Now is the time for House Republicans to begin the work of getting our country back on the right track. Together we will work to rein in the Biden Administration’s reckless spending agenda that sparked today’s inflation crisis, secure the southern border, unleash American energy, and block the 87,000 new IRS agents that Democrats voted to hire to go after working families. We will exercise our Constitutional oversight responsibilities to investigate and hold accountable the Biden Administration for its abuse of power and policy failures that have upended the lives of millions of Americans. I was proud to support the election of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives as a new House Republican majority marks the beginning of a new era in Washington”