Putting Working-Class Families First

January 13, 2023

Ever since I was elected to public office, fighting for the working-class folks of Missouri has always been my top priority. Unlike many of my colleagues here in Washington, I grew up in a working-class family; my mom worked at a factory and my dad was a mechanic and preacher. The values I learned growing up will always guide the decisions I make in Washington.

On January 10th, when I officially became the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, I made it abundantly clear that my focus will be crafting legislation and advancing policies that are focused on benefitting the working-class: the factory workers, mechanics, farmers, ranchers, and everyone who works hard from sun-up to sun-down to earn their paycheck, many of whom were left behind during the two-years of one-party Democrat rule of Washington.

So what is the Ways and Means Committee? It’s the oldest committee in Congress and the only one whose responsibilities are outlined in the Constitution. No other committee in the House or Senate can write tax law. My priority will always be keeping taxes low for these hardworking folks. But Ways and Means does far more than just tax policy; it has jurisdiction over Social Security, Medicare, welfare, and trade – all of which directly impact the working-class families of Missouri’s 8th Congressional District.

Republicans are the party of the working class – not millionaires, Wall Street, or special interest groups. That’s why we’re going to hold field hearings across the nation to hear from hardworking Americans and businesses on Main Street – not Wall Street – about what policies are working and which ones aren’t.

As Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, I’ll fight to build an economy that’s strong by prioritizing our most valuable economic resource: the American worker. We’ll build on the success of President Trump and Republicans’ Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and examine how our policies can reward working families with a tax code that delivers better jobs, higher wages, and more investment in America. We also need to take a close look at whether it’s in the best interests of the American people to continue prioritizing benefits for corporations that have shed their American identity in favor of a relationship with China.

Agriculture is a top economic driver in Missouri. That’s why the committee will work to ensure we have trade policies that put American farmers, ranchers, and workers first. We’ll look at how trade policy and our tax code can be used to strengthen our supply chains so that products and services vital to our medical, food, and national security are made here at home to create more American jobs and reduce our reliance on China. We’ll also use the tax code as a tool to encourage domestic energy production to lower costs and restore America’s energy independence.

Getting people back to work is another top priority. We can’t expect our labor force to recover if Congress makes work less valuable than a government check, as Washington Democrats did when they dismantled the Child Tax Credit in 2021. Making sure welfare programs have work requirements for able-bodied adults will help lift Americans out of poverty.

And let me make it abundantly clear: the Republican-led Ways and Means Committee will protect and preserve seniors’ Social Security and Medicare benefits. These programs are invaluable for many working seniors, especially in southern and southeast Missouri.

As Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, I’ll work around-the-clock advocating for the policies that hardworking Americans care most about. I cannot wait to get started on advancing an agenda that puts the American people – like ranchers, farmers, and small businesses – first.