Washington Democrats Block Smith Plan to Prevent Government Benefits From Going To The Rich
September 16, 2021WASHINGTON, DC – During the Ways and Means Committee markup of the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending and tax package, Congressman Jason Smith offered the Helping Hardworking Families Amendment that prevents government benefits from going to families with incomes up to $500,000 a year.
“For four years, I worked closely with Ivanka Trump to try to ensure Missouri families could have paid leave if they had a child, got sick, or needed to care for a loved one,” said Rep. Jason Smith. “But Washington Democrats would never agree because for them, the goal wasn’t helping working families – it was ensuring American families become more dependent on government. Now, they are trying to create a one-size-fits-all program that make the IRS families’ benefits manager.
“My amendment is simple: it would limit the upper earnings limit on federal benefits to ensure that this assistance is targeted to working class families, and not going to wealthy parents. While this wouldn’t fix the program’s massive expansion of federal control, it would have at least ensured this program prioritizes working families who actually need the assistance. American families are the foundation of our country and ensuring a working parent is able to spend time with their newborn child should be a bipartisan issue.”
Under the Washington Democrats current plan, a two-earner household with a combined income of up to $500,000 would be eligible to claim more than $28,000 in federal benefits every year. Meanwhile, their legislation provides no minimum benefit for low-income earners. Congressman Smith’s amendment would have limited these benefits to households making $200,000 or individuals making $100,000, and it would establish a minimum and maximum benefit amount.
Ways and Means Democrats defeated the Helping Hardworking Families Amendment by a vote of 25 Nos to 18 Ayes.