Hope For The Holidays

December 17, 2021

“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” – Luke 2:10

For many of you, the Christmas season is a time when life slows down. It gives us a chance to reflect and be thankful for our many blessings, for our family, and to celebrate the birth of Christ with our treasured holiday traditions.

As we begin one of the most special times of year, I know there are so many who are suffering loss and devastation in southern Missouri in the wake of the deadly tornados that ripped through our district and the surrounding states.  

One of the worst tragedies suffered from this tornado in southern Missouri happened to the Rackley family from Pemiscot County. The Rackleys moved into their home days before an EF-4 tornado devastated their home – the same tornado that later destroyed the town of Mayfield, Kentucky. The Rackley’s daughter, Annistyn, was killed, and as of my writing this her mother and sister are still in intensive care. When I visited the county on Sunday with Governor Parson, we saw the damage that the tornado inflicted on the Rackley’s home and heartbreaking does not begin to describe my feelings.

The Governor and I also visited Sonny and Belinda Turnage’s home – part of a farm I had been to just over a year ago as part of my Farm Tour. Their home suffered a direct hit from the tornado, and the family is fortunate to be alive today. But they must now rebuild everything.

As devastated as I was by those images, which are forever seared in my mind, I also am full of hope from the outpouring of love and support that I have seen from the southern Missouri community – and frankly, across our great country. It reminds me that at this Christmas season, the greatest gift we can give is not something material, but instead is to care for our fellow man and woman in their greatest time of suffering.

Three years ago, I wrote, “Inspired by the perfect savior given to imperfect people, many will find the ‘Christmas Spirit’ in their hearts by taking care of those in need… All the acts of kindness and generosity around the globe remind me that the child born in Bethlehem has touched more lives than any one person or even nation could ever dream.” Today, I can truly say that God’s grace has never been more needed, but has also never been more evident in southern Missouri. 

And, of course, keep our brave men and women serving in our military and their families in your thoughts and prayers. Across the globe, U.S. service members are celebrating the holidays at their military base away from home. They are putting their lives on the line to protect the freedoms we enjoy every day. This year, 13 families are feeling great loss after a deadly suicide bombing in Afghanistan this past August, and I will say a special prayer for their loved ones who wish they could be together opening presents by the Christmas tree.

No matter where you find yourself this Christmas, or where life has taken you over the past year, I hope you’ll find reason to celebrate the blessings in your life and take time to renew your spirit. Merry Christmas to all!
