Smith Slams Washington Democrats’ Anti-Gun Legislation

June 9, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) slammed the legislation Washington Democrats are bringing to the floor this week to limit law-abiding Americans’ Second Amendment rights.

“I stand with the millions of Americans who are disgusted by Washington Democrats’ latest attempt to turn tragedy into an opportunity by taking away law-abiding Americans’ guns and imposing their radical agenda on law-abiding citizens,” said Smith. “The Second Amendment cannot be legislated away, but that hasn’t stopped Liberal Democrats’ efforts to accomplish their decades-long goal of stripping away these constitutional rights.”

The proposals Washington Democrats are bringing to the floor that would limit Americans’ Second Amendment rights include:

  • A so-called federal “red flag” law that would take away individuals’ due process rights while allowing law enforcement to remove guns from individuals at the request of an expansive list of acquaintances;
  • A federal law that would unconstitutionally raise the age limit for shotgun and semiautomatic purchases from 18 to 21;
  • Federal restrictions on magazine capacity to 15 rounds despite the popularity of these items; and
  • Regulations that would establish restrictions on the storage of individuals’ firearms in private residences.

Smith continued, “Instead of blaming lawful gun owners for crimes they didn’t commit, we should focus on ensuring our schools are secure. I also believe one of the most important elements in preventing violent behavior is something that can’t be legislated, and that’s having a strong mom and a great dad, like President Trump pointed out. America needs families to step up now like never before, and we should make every effort to reward parents who remain actively involved in their children’s lives.”

Smith is a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment.

This week, he coauthored a Congressional Review Act Joint Resolution of Disapproval that would block President Biden’s ghost gun rule. Biden’s rule would reclassify gun kits as firearms under the Gun Control Act, requiring manufacturers to be licensed and include serial numbers on the kits. It would also require commercial sellers to run background checks before selling the kits.

Smith and U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (Mo.) reintroduced their U.S. Military Right to Carry Act in March 2021. The bill would ease the burden active-duty military servicemembers face when renewing concealed-carry licenses. In addition, it would allow servicemembers to renew their permits by mail and requires states to treat members of the military equally to state residents in issuing concealed carry permits.