VIDEO: Smith Slams Biden’s Inflation Crisis: “The American People Cannot Afford to Keep Paying for President Biden’s Mistakes”

June 16, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) spoke on the House floor to slam President Biden and Washington Democrats for their reckless spending that has driven inflation to a 40-year high, forcing Americans to pay more to put food on their table, clothes on their backs, and gasoline in their car.

As Smith noted, President Biden and Washington Democrats have only themselves to blame for the inflation crisis. Since President Biden took office, inflation has increased 12.2%, gas prices are up 109%, and real wages are down 4.2%.

With food, housing, transportation, and energy costs combined, it is estimated that President Biden’s inflation will cost the average Missouri household an extra $7,951 over the next year.

Washington Democrats and President Biden’s reckless $1.9 trillion spending bill, signed into law in March of last year, overstimulated the economy and ignited the inflation crisis. Following are a few examples of the wasteful spending included in their $1.9 trillion bill:

  • Less than 9% of the bill went to combat the virus via public health spending;
  • $400 billion (21%) went to policies that reduced private sector employment; and
  • An estimated $400 billion has been lost to fraud.

CLICK HERE to Watch Smith’s Remarks
CLICK HERE for Audio of Smith’s Remarks
