Smith Slams House Ways and Means Democrats for Releasing President Trump’s Personal Tax Information

December 20, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) issued the following statement slamming Democrats on the House Ways and Means Committee for releasing President Donald Trump’s private tax information:

“It’s shameful that House Ways and Means Democrats used their few remaining weeks in power to launch a taxpayer-funded hit job on President Trump. This action is nothing more than a direct attack on a political opponent. The Ways and Means Committee – the oldest in Congress – has never targeted a private citizen’s tax information, but today Washington Democrats rewrote the book and established a new precedent for how this information could be used. Democrats passed out of committee a citizen’s private tax returns, which contains a child’s social security number. They claim to work in good faith to not publish it, but that remains to be seen.

“Democrats aren’t just closing a chapter in one of their many witch hunts against President Trump, they are also opening a new chapter giving our incoming majority the clear authority to investigate whether President Biden and his family have enriched themselves off the Washington Democrats’ agenda. While my Democrat colleagues are celebrating today, they will only have themselves to blame for the consequences their actions will bring about when they pass the gavel of leadership to Republicans in January.”