Smith Votes Against $2 Trillion Government Funding Bill, Slams Washington Democrats’ Out-of-Control Spending

December 23, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Representative Jason Smith (Mo.) released the following statement after voting against Washington Democrats’ $2 trillion omnibus spending bill.

“This massive year-end spending package represents everything the American people can’t stand about Washington: a 4,000 plus page piece of legislation introduced in the dead of night that wastes billions of Americans’ taxpayer dollars and will continue to fuel the worst cost-of-living crisis in 40 years,” said Smith.

The $2 trillion bill will help extend President Biden’s record of increasing spending and debt more than any other president in U.S. history in his first 23 months in office. The legislation increases spending by another 9%, on top of the 7% increase Washington Democrats rammed through last year. It also adds an additional $260 billion to America’s already mountainous national debt.

Smith continued, “This spending bill will do nothing to bring relief to the hardworking families who are bracing for a blue Christmas because they have lost nearly two months’ worth of pay to Biden’s economic crisis and can no longer afford to purchase a home or pay off their credit card due to soaring interest rates.”

Under one-party Democrat rule of Congress and the White House, spending has increased by over $10 trillion, including a $2.5 trillion increase in interest payments on the growing federal debt, $1.9 trillion for the so-called American Rescue Plan Act, $745 billion for the misleadingly named Inflation Reduction Act, and more than $1 trillion for Biden’s Executive Actions.

Smith concluded, “I will always stand with the hardworking folks of southern Missouri. They sent me to Washington to stop the reckless spending, rein in big government, and get our country back on track. This bill will only further inflame the many crises facing our nation, and I did not hesitate to vote against it. When Republicans regain control of the House of Representatives in January, we’ll immediately get to work to fix our broken economy, right-size government, and make America great again.”