
American Heroes
The men and women who put on a uniform to defend our nation deserve the absolute best. Whether it’s fully funding the equipment they need to do their jobs or ensuring they have great healthcare when they get home from a tour of duty, I am honored to vote in favor of policies that support our Veterans.
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Healthcare is personal. I believe you should have healthcare freedom and plenty of choices when making these very personal decisions for you and your family. Bottom line – the government should not be sitting in the exam room with you and your doctor.
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Defending Your Rights
Our Founding Fathers defined “inalienable rights” that all Americans are born with. No matter how much the world has changed since these rights were written, we must make sure that they’re not stripped away by a Washington lobbyist only concerned with representing liberal interests.
Learn MoreFamily Values
Families are the foundation of our country. As the son of a pastor, I well-know the values that you’re raising your family with, and as your Congressman, I am here to make sure the government respects and does not interfere with those values.
Learn MoreFocused On Farms
Agriculture is the number one economic driver in our Congressional District. As your Representative in Congress, I am focused on farms and fighting for the families who run them.
Learn MoreKeeping Washington Out Of Missouri
The army of Washington regulators who have never stepped foot in Missouri should not have the power to tell you what you can and cannot do. In Congress, I am constantly working to roll back regulations and keep Washington off your back.
Learn MoreMark Twain National Forest
Missourians know how to take care of what’s in their backyard. In Congress, I’m fighting to make sure Washington bureaucrats don’t restrict our natural resources.
Learn MoreProtecting The Homeland
The number one role of the US Government is to keep you and your family safe. As your voice in Congress, I am supporting policies that make America safe and strong both at home and abroad.
Learn MoreYour Money Belongs In Your Pocket
You earned your paycheck, and you should be able to keep it because you know how to spend your money way better than some bureaucrat in Washington.
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