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Sovereignty at Stake

As I write this, a 7,000-person migrant caravan is marching across Mexico towards the United States’ southern border. From the politicians that helped inspire and form the caravan to the immigration holes it highlights, it should serve as a wakeup call showing our need for a more secure border. It’s a massive, unprecedented look in slow motion at almost every aspect that makes up our broken immigration system. What began as political mischief in one country has created an immigration crisis for ...

Smith's Legislation to Fight Opioid Epidemic Signed into Law by President Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Donald J. Trump signed H.R. 6, the SUPPORT Act, into law Wednesday, which includes Congressman Jason Smith’s (MO-08) Perioperative Reduction of Opioids (PRO) Act, designed to fight the opioid addiction epidemic in the United States. Rep. Smith’s legislation will help prevent opioid misuse and abuse after patients are discharged from surgery, where patients are most likely to be exposed to opioids. Smith’s bill will also better inform patients on pain management and s...

Putting Taxpayers in Charge

Missourians work hard day in and day out for their money, and they should have a government that watches over their dollars as carefully and responsibly as they do at home. We don’t mind paying our fair share to live in a safe nation, to have a judicial system that maintains law and order, or for public infrastructure improvements. But in Missouri we don’t have the appetite for a massive government that wants to use our hard-earned tax dollars on inefficient government programs and handouts. You...

Show-Me the Price

Information is power. Unfortunately, current rules and regulations are preventing you from having all the information you need when paying for certain prescription drugs. That’s right, red tape and insider deals meant to benefit bottom lines are preventing your local pharmacy from being able to tell you if you could pay less for the same prescriptions. That all changed last week when President Trump signed into law a ban of “gag clauses,” which had previously benefited health care industry insid...

The Illegal Vote

Choosing our elected leaders in the voting booth is one of our most sacred rights and serious responsibilities as American citizens. Yet some states are now pushing to hand this privilege and civic duty over to people who are in our country illegally, undermining both our electoral process and what it means to be an American citizen. Cities in California, Illinois, and Maryland are taking the extreme step of disregarding their state constitutions and registering illegal immigrants to vote in ele...

Congressman Smith Receives “Taxpayers’ Friend Award”

WASHINGTON – Congressman Jason Smith (MO-08) was honored by the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) for having one of the strongest voting records in Congress on cutting taxes, limiting the size of government, and advancing economic freedom. NTU presented Congressman Smith with the “Taxpayers’ Friend Award” for his outstanding voting record during the 2017 Congressional Session. “The people of Missouri sent me to Congress to fight for lower taxes and cut the red tape holding small businesses and farm...

U.S. House Passes Rep. Smith’s Legislation to Fight Opioid Epidemic

WASHINGTON – The United States House of Representatives passed H.R. 6, the SUPPORT Act, which includes Congressman Jason Smith’s (MO-08) Perioperative Reduction of Opioids (PRO) Act, designed to fight the opioid addiction epidemic in the United States. Rep. Smith’s legislation will help prevent opioid misuse and abuse after patients are discharged from surgery, where patients are most likely to be exposed to opioids. Smith’s bill will also better inform patients on pain management and set up sys...

Time to Vote

When I wrote in July that history showed Judge Kavanaugh and his family were about to experience “the absolute ugliest in politics,” I had no idea how far the United States Senate would fall. Any hopes that Washington would set aside personal ambitions and responsibly ‘advise and consent’ vanished this week, as Senator Feinstein and her followers chose instead to search and destroy. At Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings we witnessed how destructive their thirst for power is, and watched a Senate circus ...

West Plains Family Recognized by Congressman Smith as 'Angels in Adoption'

WASHINGTON – Congressman Jason Smith (MO-08) recognized Rachel and Samuel Cobb from West Plains as ‘Angels in Adoption’ Tuesday at a Capitol Hill ceremony held by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute. “Rachel and Samuel are an inspiration to all of us who value life,” said Congressman Smith. “They have found their purpose in helping and supporting vulnerable children all over the world, and it was my privilege to nominate them for the Angels in Adoption Award.” Rachel and Samuel Cob...

Protecting Paychecks, Permanently

For too many years under President Obama’s tenure, the federal government grew while Americans’ paychecks shrank. Millions watched with disgust as their tax dollars flowed to Washington for wasteful programs and pet projects. Last year President Trump and I reversed course and overhauled the uncompetitive, outdated tax code to prioritize families first and put more money in your pocket. We took resources out of the hands of Washington bureaucrats and put it back into your paycheck. The Tax Cuts ...

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