News List

Rep. Smith Joins President to Lower Electric Bills, Save Jobs

Today, major components of the Clean Power Plan, a high-cost regulation U.S. Rep. Smith asked the Trump Administration to take quick action on, were suspended and rescinded. In December of 2016, Rep. Smith met with and sent a letter to the incoming administration asking them to eliminate 14 federal rules and regulations, one of which was the Clean Power Plan. Smith’s work with the Administration will save jobs and money for farmers, small businesses and families. Missouri residents get 83% of t...

Under Construction: Jobs & Energy Independence

The number one responsibility of your government is to keep you and your loved ones safe. Energy security – knowing we can put gas in our cars and heat our homes – is a major part of that safety and security. But for too long, the government has been dependent on Middle Eastern countries supplying us with oil, sitting back and waiting for them to provide our energy resources – leaving us with a hefty price tag. This week, President Trump took major action to move forward with the Keystone XL pip...

Check Your Tackle Box & Keep an Eye on Your Gun Case

Did you know that on his way out of office, President Obama tried to regulate the ammo in your gun and the fishing sinkers in your tackle box? Before he jetted off to the Caribbean, President Obama managed to take a final swipe at Missourians’ way of life with “Director’s Order No. 219,” a last-minute regulation that banned lead ammunition and fishing tackle on federal lands. In other words, President Obama’s rule would not have allowed you to take shotgun shells or fishing sinkers with you to h...

Reason to be Concerned

Last weekend, President Trump opened up about his suspicion that his campaign was wire tapped by the Obama White House during the 2016 Presidential election. While some in the media found this outlandish, the reality is that a long track record by the Obama White House of using whatever means necessary to discredit those who opposed him leaves President Trump justified in believing that individuals who worked on his campaign and potentially himself were subjected to eavesdropping. In the coming ...

U.S. Rep. Smith Overturns Lead Ammo Ban

U.S. Rep. Smith Overturns Lead Ammo Ban Smith led a bipartisan effort with more than 60 colleagues asking Trump Administration to rescind Obama-era regulation Congressman Jason Smith’s letter to President Trump resulted in the Obama-era lead ban being overturned last week by Ryan Zinke in one of his first acts as U.S. Department of Interior Secretary. The “midnight rule” from the Obama Administration was set to ban lead ammunition and fishing tackle from being used on any public lands. The affec...

Congressman Smith’s Regulatory Relief Passes U.S. House

Today, Congressman Jason Smith’s (MO-08) bill, H.R. 998 the Searching for and Cutting Regulations that are Unnecessarily Burdensome (SCRUB) Act passed the United States House of Representatives with bipartisan support by a vote of 240-185. During his time in Congress Smith has continually defended the rights of rural America from an ongoing regulatory assault led by unelected federal bureaucrats. Passage of the SCRUB Act and providing regulatory relief for Midwest families, farmers and small bu...

Congressman Smith Regulatory Relief Measure Advances to U.S. House Floor

Yesterday, Congressman Jason Smith’s (MO-08) bill, H.R. 998 the Searching for and Cutting Regulations that are Unnecessarily Burdensome (SCRUB) Act passed the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, setting up consideration for the proposal on the U.S. House Floor later this month. During his time in Congress Smith has continually defended the rights of rural America from an ongoing regulatory assault led by unelected federal bureaucrats who have often never stepped foot on a farm in Missour...

U.S. Rep. Smith Leads Effort to Overturn Obama Administration Ammunition & Tackle Ban

U.S. Rep Smith Leads Effort to Overturn Obama Administration Ammunition & Tackle Ban Lead Author of letter with over 60 Representatives to White House to overturn Agency Rule Yesterday, Congressman Jason Smith (MO-08) led a bipartisan letter along with over 60 of his colleagues to President Trump urging him to revoke a “midnight rule” from the Obama Administration that would ban lead ammunition and fishing tackle from being used on any public lands. On January 19, 2017, the last full day of the ...

Rep. Smith seeks to block federal highway dollars to sanctuary cities

U.S. Rep. Jason Smith has filed legislation to block Federal Highway Trust Fund dollars from going to states and local governments that refuse to obey federal immigration laws. “Over 300 cities and counties employ policies to stonewall the federal government and prevent the Department of Homeland Security from effectively enforcing our immigration laws,” Smith wrote in a statement issued Thursday before introducing the legislation. “We are a nation of law and order, and cities that actively work...

U.S. Rep Smith Authors Bill Defunding Sanctuary Cities

U.S. Rep Smith Authors Bill Defunding Sanctuary Cities Smith bill would force sanctuary cities to comply with federal law by blocking federal transportation dollars Today, Congressman Jason Smith (MO-08) filed H.R.824, the No Transportation Funds for Sanctuary Cities Act, to block Federal Highway Trust fund dollars from being awarded to states and local governments if they fail to obey federal immigration laws and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) requests. Before Congressman Smith introduce...

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