News List

Missouri Flooding Latest

I have spoken with both our Governor and FEMA. Both pledged state and federal assistance to our area. I am in constant communication with folks on the ground and am visiting many affected areas. As I get updates from our first responders, I will pass along the information. Follow me on Facebook for updates. I know many of you have been severely affected by this storm already, but the danger is not over. Please stay off the roads and in a safe location. Do not try to cross roadways that have wate...

Fighting for What’s Yours

Our tax code is a mess, and that’s putting it lightly. Multiple brackets. High rates. Special interest breaks everywhere. Rules and regulations that are too complicated to understand. It costs more and more each year just to do your taxes, let alone pay them. All of this drags people down and leaves them buried in paperwork and compliance problems. Instead of bringing jobs to America, our tax code is pushing jobs overseas. Even worse, the agency charged with overseeing all of this—the IRS—has re...

U.S. Rep. Smith at White House as President Trump Takes Action on Aluminum

Today, Congressman Jason Smith met with President Trump at the White House as he signed a Presidential memorandum to stop foreign countries from flooding the global markets with subsidized aluminum. Countries subject to the action include China, Russia, Canada and Mexico. Countries like China lack natural advantages to produce aluminum yet there is still a severe oversupply of Chinese-produced aluminum in the world market. This oversupply is largely due to their government illegally subsidizing ...

Crisscrossing County Lines

It is an honor to serve the thirty counties which make up the 8th Congressional District in southeast and south central Missouri. The best part of my job is getting to spend time with the hard-working families, farmers and business owners who make our district the greatest place to live in the world. Over the past few weeks, I had the opportunity to visit over twenty counties in our area and meet with the people who provide power, work on manufacturing lines, serve our country, care for our vete...

U.S. Rep. Smith Leads Public Listening Post

FARMINGTON, MO – Today, Congressman Jason Smith led a public Listening Post with people from the Farmington area. He spent over an hour talking with them about their concerns and getting feedback on what they need to make Washington work for them. After the meeting, Congressman Smith said, “Whether it's a listening post or visiting with farmers, families and small business owners, conversations like these help me better represent southeast and south central Missouri.” During the Listening Post, ...

American Made

Across southeast and south central Missouri, I have met some of the hardest working people found anywhere in America. Whether they are farmers, manufacturers or small business owners, they all have one thing in common – they want to do their jobs free of government overreach and interference, and provide their products, services and goods to others in Missouri and around the world. American made goods are the best and highest quality found anywhere in the world, but in order for our farmers and ...

Jason Smith Stands With Missouri Workers and Manufacturers

Caruthersville, MO – On Friday, Congressman Jason Smith was honored with an award for supporting policies that create jobs, innovation and growth within the manufacturing sector. The National Association of Manufacturers awarded Smith with the Manufacturing Legislative Excellence award. This award recognizes Smith’s work to repeal harmful regulations and his fight to free the manufacturing industry from unnecessary burdens that inhibit production. “American ingenuity can compete with anyone in t...

U.S. Rep. Jason Smith Fights for Missouri Power

MARSTON, MO – On Friday, Congressman Jason Smith was in Marston to tour the New Madrid Power Plant and discuss his work to relieve the regulatory burden on energy providers in Missouri. Before touring the New Madrid Power Plant, Congressman Smith sat down with the hard-working people who keep the plant running and talked about recent actions by President Trump to eliminate Obama’s so-called “Clean Power Plan.” This was a major regulatory issue that would have increased production costs for the p...

LIBERAL (fili)BUST(er)

On Friday, with the confirmation of our newest Supreme Court member, Justice Neil Gorsuch, the American people were finally able to claim victory over liberal obstructionists in the United States Senate. With Gorsuch behind the bench, we have a Justice who respects personal freedom and liberty. He knows our Constitution is a document that defers power from the federal government to the states, and puts the rights of individuals ahead of the interests of bureaucrats in Washington. Throughout his ...

Keeping the Lights On

What if I told you your government was about to triple your monthly electric bill? President Obama’s so called “Clean Power Plan” would have done just that – increasing electric costs and forcing coal plants in Missouri to close. Missouri residents get 83 percent of their energy from coal-fired power plants. If implemented, this rule would have increased the cost of electricity and made it unaffordable for many residents in the state. Fortunately, President Trump took major steps this week to el...

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