News List

Capitol Report: Holding the Executive Branch Accountable

As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, this week I participated in an oversight hearing for the United States Department of Justice. Attorney General Eric Holder testified before the committee about a variety of issues. When my turn came to question Attorney General Holder, I asked him if states do not have to comply with federal drug laws, why should they have to comply with ObamaCare? Unfortunately the Attorney General deflected my question. The Obama-Holder Justice Department does not ...

Capitol Report: Saving 2.6 Million American Jobs

The problems with President Obama’s healthcare mandate never seem to end. Families and individuals in Missouri are experiencing huge increases in their monthly premiums. The doctor-patient relationship that is so essential for quality care is being harmed by bureaucratic hurdles and increasing paperwork. Workers are seeing reduced hours because of the 30-hour rule contained in ObamaCare that requires employers with 50 or more workers to provide health insurance for any employee who works 30 or m...

Capitol Report: Reining In Executive Overreach

The Constitution is clear- Congress has the duty to write laws and, once they are enacted, it is the President’s responsibility to enforce the laws. Article II, section 3 of the U.S. Constitution declares that the President “shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” However, President Obama has failed on multiple occasions to enforce acts of Congress that he disagrees with. President Obama has also stretched his regulatory authority to put in place policies that are too extreme to g...

Congressman Jason Smith Voices Support for Keystone XL Pipeline

Congressman Jason Smith recently sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, expressing his support for the Keystone XL Pipeline and asking the secretary to move swiftly on the project’s application. It has been over five years since the backers of the Keystone XL Pipeline first submitted their application to the U.S. State Department on September 19, 2008. Click HERE to read Smith’s letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry In his letter, Smith outlined the economic benefits of the...

Capitol Report: Working to Lower Home Heating Costs

In 2008, in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, President Obama warned Americans that under his policies for energy, “electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket.” President Obama’s proclamation is coming true. Millions of Americans, including families in our Eighth District, are suffering from one of the coldest winters in recent memory – and in some cases, the most expensive. This week the House of Representatives took action to help families and individuals who are struggling with...

Capitol Report: Working to Lower Home Heating Costs

In 2008, in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, President Obama warned Americans that under his policies for energy, “electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket.” President Obama’s proclamation is coming true. Millions of Americans, including families in our Eighth District, are suffering from one of the coldest winters in recent memory – and in some cases, the most expensive. This week the House of Representatives took action to help families and individuals who are struggling with...

Capitol Report: House Aims to Stop Government Abuse

This week the House of Representatives took action to stop government abuse that is threatening American’s liberty and their hard-earned paychecks. During my short time in Washington I have been truly appalled by the power of federal agencies and the influence they have over every American. Chief among my goals in the House of Representatives is to give American families relief from unnecessary and ineffective regulatory burdens. Regulations from Washington harm our liberties right here in rural...

Congressman Jason Smith Grills Park Service Official on ONSR Management Changes

Today, Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) grilled Victor Knox, Associate Director for Park Planning, Facilities and Land for the National Park Service over proposed management changes for the Ozark National Scenic Riverways (ONSR) in Missouri’s Eighth Congressional District. Smith pressed Knox over which officials in the Park Service have final authority of designating new management practices in ONSR. Smith also restated his opposition to any management changes in the ONSR. Click here to watch Smi...

Congressman Jason Smith Announces Congressional Art Contest

Today, Congressman Jason Smith announced the opening of the annual Eighth Congressional District Art Contest and invited high school students in Missouri’s Eighth Congressional District to participate in the contest. Contest entrees need to be submitted to one of Smith’s offices by Friday, April 25th. Each spring, this nationwide high school art competition recognizes and encourages artistic talent. Since the competition began in 1982, more than 650,000 high school students have participated. S...

Capitol Report: A Plan for Economic Growth and American Jobs

A few weeks ago, President Obama challenged Congress to make 2014 a “year of action.” I am hopeful 2014 can be a year to begin rebuilding America’s economy to create an environment that encourages private sector growth and job creation. Conservatives in the House of Representatives have a plan that lays the groundwork for a stronger economy and brighter future for all Americans. The Plan for Economic Growth and American Jobs will put our nation on the right path. The plan calls for: Reducing Reg...

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